PlantStressLab - Claudio Lovisolo
Professor in Plant Physiology. His main expertise is plant water transport and carbon assimilation in plants. His studies focus on: grapevine responses to drought stress; hydraulic and non-hydraulic signalling in stressed plants; carbon cycling in plants - source/sink interrelationships; effects of light spectrum on carbon plant assimilation.
Recent publications
Recent publications
Matteo Chialva, Davide Lucien Patono, Leonardo Perez de Souza, Mara Novero, Sara Vercellino, Moez Maghrebi, Michele Morgante, Claudio Lovisolo, Gianpiero Vigani, Alisdair Fernie, Valentina Fiorilli, Luisa Lanfranco, Paola Bonfante (2023) The mycorrhizal root-shoot axis elicits Coffea arabica growth under low phosphate conditions. New Phytologist First published: 11 May 2023
Davide L. Patono, Leandro Eloi Alcatrāo, Emilio Dicembrini, Giorgio Ivaldi, Davide Ricauda Aimonino, Claudio Lovisolo (2023) Technical advances for measurement of gas exchange at the whole plant level: Design solutions and prototype tests to carry out shoot and rootzone analyses in plants of different sizes. Plant Science 326, 1, 111505
Davide L. Patono, Daniel Said-Pullicino, Leandro Eloi Alcatrāo, Andrea Firbus, Giorgio Ivaldi, Walter Chitarra, Alessandra Ferrandino, Davide Ricauda Aimonino, Luisella Celi, Giorgio Gambino, Irene Perrone, Claudio Lovisolo (2022) Photosynthetic recovery in drought-rehydrated grapevines is associated with high demand from the sinks, maximizing the fruit-oriented performance. The Plant Journal 112 (4):1098-1111
Nerva, Luca; Guaschino, Micol; Pagliarani, Chiara; De Rosso, Mirko; Lovisolo, Claudio; Chitarra, Walter (2022) Spray induced gene silencing targeting a glutathione S- transferase gene improves resilience to drought in grapevine. Plant, Cell & Environment 45 (2): 347-361
Francesca Secchi, Chiara Pagliarani, Silvia Cavalletto, Francesco Petruzzellis, Giulia Tonel, Tadey Savi, Giuliana Tromba, Maria Margherita Obertino, Claudio Lovisolo, Andrea Nardini, Maciej A. Zwieniecki (2021) Chemical inhibition of xylem cellular activity impedes the removal of drought-induced embolisms in poplar stems – new insights from micro-CT analysis. New Phytologist 229, 2: 820-830
Visentin, Ivan; Pagliarani, Chiara; Deva, Eleonora; Caracci, Alessio; Turečková, Veronika; Novák, Ondřej; Lovisolo, Claudio; Schubert, Andrea; Cardinale, Francesca (2020) A novel strigolactone-miR156 module controls stomatal behaviour during drought recovery. Plant, Cell & Environment 43, 7: 1613-1624
Caser M, Chitarra W, D'Angiolillo F, Perrone I, Demasi S, Lovisolo C, Pistelli L, Pistelli L, Scariot V (2019) Drought stress adaptation modulates plant secondary metabolite production in Salvia dolomitica Codd. Ind Crops Prod 129: 85-96
Caser M, D’Angiolillo F, Chitarra W, Lovisolo V, Ruffoni B, Pistelli L, Pistelli L, Scariot V (2018) Ecophysiological and phytochemical responses of Salvia sinaloensis Fern. to drought stress. Plant Growth Reg 84:383–394
Carlomagno A, Novello V, Ferrandino A, Genre A, Lovisolo C, Hunter JJ (2018) Pre-harvest berry shrinkage in cv 'Shiraz' (Vitis vinifera L.): understanding sap flow by means of tracing. Scientia Hort 233: 394–406
Lavoie-Lamoureux A, Sacco D, Risse P-A, Lovisolo C (2017) Factors influencing stomatal conductance in response to water availability in grapevine: a meta-analysis. Physiol plantarum 159:468–482
Caser M, Lovisolo C, Scariot V (2017). The influence of water stress on growth, ecophysiology and ornamental quality of potted Primula vulgaris 'Heidy' plants. New insights to increase water use efficiency in plant production. Plant Growth Reg 83:361-373
Pagliarani C, Vitali M, Ferrero M, Vitulo N, Incarbone M, Lovisolo C, Valle G, Schubert A (2017) The accumulation of miRNAs differentially modulated by drought stress is affected by grafting in grapevine. Plant Physiol 173: 2180-2195
Lovisolo C, Lavoie-Lamoureux A, Tramontini S, Ferrandino A (2016) Grapevine adaptations to water stress: new perspectives about soil/plant interactions. Theor Exp Plant Phys 28:53–66
Vitali M, Cochard H, Gambino G, Ponomarenko A, Perrone I, Lovisolo C (2016) VvPIP2;4N aquaporin involvement in controlling leaf hydraulic capacitance and resistance in grapevine. Physiol plantarum 158:284–296
Caser M, D’Angiolillo F, Chitarra W, Lovisolo V, Ruffoni B, Pistelli L, Pistelli L, Scariot V (2016) Water deficit regimes trigger changes in valuable physiological andphytochemical parameters in Helichrysum petiolare Hilliard & B.L.Burtt. Industrial Crops Prod 83:680–692
Secchi F, Schubert A, Lovisolo C (2016) Changes in air CO2 concentration differentially alter transcript levels of NtAQP1 and NtPIP2;1 aquaporin genes in tobacco leaves. Int J Mol Sci 17:567
Visentin I, Vitali M, Ferrero M, Zhang Y, Ruyter-Spira C, Novak O, Strmad M, Lovisolo C, Schubert A, Cardinale F (2016) Low levels of strigolactones in roots as a component of the systemic signal of drought stress in tomato. New Phytol 212:954:963 Pantaleo V, Vitali M, Boccacci P, Miozzi L, Cuozzo D, Chitarra W, Mannini F, Lovisolo C, Gambino G (2016) Novel functional microRNAs from virus-free and infected Vitis vinifera plants under water stress. Sci Rep 6, Article number: 20167