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Interested in our work and in joining our team?

Bachelor & Master courses : We always have opportunities for MSc  (Tesi di laurea magistrale) and BSc (Tesi di Laurea) projects in the team. Please check some of the internships available now:

CRISPR-based inactivation of strigolactone catabolic enzymes in tomato (Inattivazione tramite CRISPR di enzimi catabolici degli strigolattoni in pomodoro).  For: plant biotechnologists, plant biologists. Contact: Andrea Schubert (, Francesca Cardinale (, Ivan Visentin (

Micropeptides as effectors of the strigolactone signal on MIR genes (Micropeptidi come effettori del segnale degli strigolattoni sui geni MIR). For: plant biotechnologists, plant biologists. Contact: Francesca Cardinale (

Transcriptional memory of drought in tomato: role of strigolactones (Ruolo degli strigolattoni nella memoria trascrizionale dello stress idrico in pomodoro). For: plant biotechnologists, plant biologists. Contact: Ivan Visentin (

Modulation of the P sensing and signalling pathways by strigolactones in tomato (Regolazione della percezione e segnalazione del fosfato da parte degli strigolattoni in pomodoro). For: plant biotechnologists, plant biologists. Contact: Ivan Visentin (

Identification of physiological and molecular traits associated to drought tolerance in two poplar genotypes (Identificazione di tratti  fisiologici e molecolari associati alla tolleranza allo stress idrico in due genotipi di pioppo). For: plant biotechnologists, Forest and Environmental science students. Contact: Francesca Secchi (

A comparative study of lettuce grown with different light spectra to asses photosynthesis, and whole root and shoot respiration (Studio comparativo su lattuga coltivata con diversi spettri di luce per la valutazione di fotosintesi, e di respirazione delle radici e dei germogli) For: plant biotechnologists, plant biologists, Agriculture, Forest and Environmental science students. Contact: Claudio Lovisolo (

PhD positions - We currently have no available PhD positions. However, if you see funding opportunities via fellowships please contact Andrea Schubert and we can discuss this further.


Postdoc positions - Currently no Postdoc positions are available in our group. However, if you see funding opportunities via fellowships, Marie Curie, EMBO, or other schemes  please contact Andrea Schubert and  and we can discuss this further.