PlantStressLab - Projects
Research projects
MSCA StrigoSense: A versatile biosensor of strigolactone responses in plants (from 1/12/2024)
Horizon Europe ECONUTRI: Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air
H2020 RADIANT: ReAlising DynamIc vAlue chaiNs for underuTilised crops
Concluded (main only)
PRIMA VEG-ADAPT: ADAPTing mediterranean VEGetable crops to climate change-induced multiple stress
EIT Food BIOSUVEG: Innovative biostimulants for sustainable fruit production from vegetable crops
CARBOSTRESS: The allocation of carbon during drought in grapevine: a key event in plant defense strategies and VITIMOUNT: Adaptations of the vine to climate change: possible positive aspects for mountain viticultural areas.
MITIWOOD: Holistic understanding of xylem recovery from water stress to mitigate future climate impact on woody plantsÂ
STRItools: Smart molecular tools from the plant hormones strigolactones to improve crop yields
H2020 TOMRES: A novel and integrated approach to increase multiple and combined stress tolerance in plants using tomato as a model
Understanding xylem refilling: molecular and physiological perspectives